About Me

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Alberta, Canada
I am a second year Business Administration student, majoring in Accounting, at Olds College. I will be completing my program in April 2012. I intend to continue my education in the fall of 2012, by pursuing the completion of my business degree.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Welcome To The Future

Good day readers,

Welcome to my last post for this E-Commerce blog. I've really enjoyed researching and learning more about e-commerce and the effects it is having on our world.

The video posted below is a couple years old, but it provides some amazing insights to how our shopping has changed and is continuing to do so.

After all the research and reading I have done to complete this blog assignment, I am much more appreciative of e-commerce. I have become more aware of my daily interactions with e-commerce. Going forward, I intend on paying more attention to the e-commerce around me.

Thank you for following my blog, I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed creating it!


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Suggested Readings

Hello friends,

As I have been developing this blog, I have come across some great resources for e-commerce education. I'd like to share some of these resources with you, my readers.

Get Elastic- http://www.getelastic.com/
Practical eCommerce- http://www.practicalecommerce.com/blogs
Retail eCommerce- http://www.retail-ecommerce.com/
Ecommerce Podcast- http://www.ecommercepodcast.com/

If you are interested in learning more about e-commerce and keeping up with the latest news, I would recommend using these resources. Hope they are of interest to you!

Amazon Hires Robots...


I found this news article in regards to Amazon's purchase of a system that will increase efficiency in their warehouses even more. It is the largest purchase made by Amazon since they purchased Zappos. This move may also be in response to Amazon's need to stay competitive as popularity for things like Kindle increases. Please follow this link to read more.


Have a great day readers!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Online Purchase

Good afternoon readers,

Today, I used a gift certificate for Amazon that I received as Christmas gift from my older brother. Another gift at Christmas that I received were a few novels from an author I had never read before. I have fallen in love with author and has gone through the first two books of a nine books series. I decided to use my gift certificate to purchase more books in this series and feed my love for reading!

Here is e-commerce in action!

This is my gift certificate:
The first thing I had to do was to apply the gift certificate to my Amazon account.
I typed in the URL on the back of the gift certificate which took me to the gift certificate page of Amazon.
After applying my gift certificate to my account, I went back to the Amazon.ca homepage. And it was time for the shopping to begin! Because I had been on Amazon recently, it already showed some recommended book choices for me.
 I simply typed in the author of the books I wanted.
I find Amazon really user friendly and it took less than a couple minutes for me to find one of the books that I was looking for.
Once I added the first book I wanted to my cart, the other two I was looking for showed up on the page so the rest of my shopping trip was pretty straight-forward.
Once I finished shopping, I proceeded to my "shopping cart".
 I even qualified for free shipping! Yay!
  After selecting my gift certificate as method of payment, I confirmed my mailing information and submitted my order.

Amazon is a great example of e-commerce. Many consider them to be the forerunners in e-commerce in the most effective ways. They offer a wide range of products and have developed an online shopping experience that is friendly for customers of all kinds. I thought the best way to explain e-commerce was to give a real-life example.

And now I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new books!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Security in E-Commerce

Hello readers,

I've talked a lot about how advanced technology has become and along with that is how vulnerable our personal information has become. The security of e-commerce has been a significant concern for many people. Credit card information is sensitive and consumers want to ensure that their information is being respected and taken care of. Retailers have taken strides to ensure that consumers feel confident in using their online shopping services. The vulnerability of personal information was at one time more of a problem and concern. For example, in the past some retailers required customers to call in their credit card information in order to keep the process as secure as possible.

The process has come a long ways. With the collaboration of banks, credit cards, retailers and other firms, huge strides have been made in improving the security and consumer confidence in e-commerce. With all the advances, it is still important to keep your eyes open for websites and firms that do not practice secure e-commerce. Look for services such as Verified by Visa to ensure that your information is being protected.

Thanks for reading today's post!