About Me

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Alberta, Canada
I am a second year Business Administration student, majoring in Accounting, at Olds College. I will be completing my program in April 2012. I intend to continue my education in the fall of 2012, by pursuing the completion of my business degree.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Can it go mobile?

Hi readers,

Thanks for tuning into today's blog post! In the podcast that I posted in the last post, Gil Levy talks about his latest e-commerce purchase where he describes seeing a watch that he wanted while overseas. He felt the price that that particular store was requesting was not fair so he used his mobile phone to purchase the watch online. When he returned home from his trip it was waiting for him at home. This is a great example of how far reaching e-commerce really is!

Mobile commerce, or m-commerce, isn't necessarily a new technology and has followed closely along side the development of smartphones. M-commerce is based on an system called Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). It has been used particularly in Europe, but has gained more popularity in North America in the last few years. Handheld devices, usually smartphones, are used for the commerce transactions. Specially formatted web browsers for mobile phones allow users to surf the web and check email from their phones. Applications have even been developed for users to conduct banking transactions from their mobile phones.

Voice-based e-commerce is being introduced. This means that user can command their phone to conduct certain transactions by the sound of their voice. This type of e-commerce is really best suited for certain transactions such as looking up stock trades, getting direction, or ordering movie tickets for examples.

With the accessibility to advanced smart phones that we have today, it really is no longer necessary for an individual to sit down at their computer to participate in e-commerce. It can nearly all be done by the use of our smart phones.

As I continue to learn more about e-commerce, I am still amazed at how advanced things have become. I am part of the generation that at a young age, caught the last glimpse of the world before the boom of technology, computers, Internet and mobile phones changed the course of our society for forever. It's mind-blowing!

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