About Me

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Alberta, Canada
I am a second year Business Administration student, majoring in Accounting, at Olds College. I will be completing my program in April 2012. I intend to continue my education in the fall of 2012, by pursuing the completion of my business degree.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Suggested Readings

Hello friends,

As I have been developing this blog, I have come across some great resources for e-commerce education. I'd like to share some of these resources with you, my readers.

Get Elastic- http://www.getelastic.com/
Practical eCommerce- http://www.practicalecommerce.com/blogs
Retail eCommerce- http://www.retail-ecommerce.com/
Ecommerce Podcast- http://www.ecommercepodcast.com/

If you are interested in learning more about e-commerce and keeping up with the latest news, I would recommend using these resources. Hope they are of interest to you!

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