About Me

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Alberta, Canada
I am a second year Business Administration student, majoring in Accounting, at Olds College. I will be completing my program in April 2012. I intend to continue my education in the fall of 2012, by pursuing the completion of my business degree.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Podcast: Gil Levy from Ecommerce Partners

Good day readers!

Below is a link to a podcast from Ecommerce Podcast by SLI Systems with Gil Levy from Ecommerce Partners.

Click this link:
or copy and paste it into your browser.

And scroll down until you see the podcast titled: Gil Levy from Ecommerce Partners

Hit "Play Now" and enjoy! Gil Levy has a broad range of experience in the e-commerce industry. In this podcast, he shares a bit about how he got into e-commerce and what his business Ecommerce Partners does. He shares what he is seeing happening for trends in the industry. I really enjoyed listening to this podcast because of the wealth of knowledge that Gil Levy demonstrates.

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