About Me

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Alberta, Canada
I am a second year Business Administration student, majoring in Accounting, at Olds College. I will be completing my program in April 2012. I intend to continue my education in the fall of 2012, by pursuing the completion of my business degree.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Today, I found this video on YouTube and I wanted to share it. It begins by explaining some history of commerce. Commerce started with face-to-face retail scenarios, to catalogs, radio and television. Few expected that the personal computer would be used by millions to shop online, but there were a few people who saw the potential and went for it!

Those interviewed in the video were pioneers in experimenting and implementing e-commerce in their companies. They share that it wasn't always an easy process, but has become something that they are very proud to have been a part of.

The video appears to be quite old, perhaps made around 2004-2005, but it is interesting nonetheless. The internet, e-commerce and our society have all come an incredible distance in the last two decades. E-commerce has changed our society shops!


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